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A Meal Among Friends

A Meal Among Friends, 2019


We still have vegetable tattoos on our arms and smiles on our faces after A Meal Among Friends: an evening of cooking and community, hosted by the League of Kitchens, Listings Project, and Lorem Ipsum at Lee’s on Canal (“L” companies only!).


On Jan 31st, 2019, 40 of us gathered to cook and eat dishes from four different countries under the guidance of cooking instructors from the League of Kitchens, a culinary dream-team of immigrant women from around the world who welcome students into their homes and teach them their family recipes.


Aiko Cascio from Japan taught us to make Temaki Zushi (Sushi Hand Rolls)

Nawida Saidhosin (Afghanistan) made Burani Bonjon (Eggplant with Yogurt Sauce)

Jeanette Chawki (Lebanon) lead us in making Fattoush (Lebanese Bread Salad)

Damira Inatullaeva (Uzbekistan) made Pumpkin Sambusa (Baked Savory Pies)


In a low-lit dining room decorated with centerpieces from Jordan Delzell, we shared stories and skills, smiles and sips from the deeply cool amaro label St. Agrestis. And our guest photographer Emily Hlavac Green captured our moments on camera.

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